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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Space and the quality of light

Taking photographs of people was fun for a while. The journalistic images generated much traffic for my Flickr stream, and photographs depicting the diverse lives of souls have given me much pleasure. Event photography requires a totally different skillset, and I am happy to have the experience I had in the past two years doing that... but I appear to have neglected the reason why I started to begin with, which was to study composition. As I ran out of reasons to find and attend events that I appear to have no other purpose than to find materials in front of my lenses, I went back to my roots today and decided to explore light.

It started out as a reminder on the quality of light from a Strobist blog post, that, we can manipulate light with texture and other qualities. That light does not need to be what emits solely from the source, but be added subtle texture to add another dimension onto what would otherwise be another blank canvas. And so the journey started with an off-camera strobe, a few metal cylinders lying around (one being the capucinno frother, and the other being my ashtray)... I put on the Canon 580EX on my lightstand, put up my umbrella and started shooting as it passes the circular holes of the Ikea chair to create little spot lights on the subject.

It started with a predefined goal, but ended with something much for satisfying in the end. Here's a series of image which dates back before the sudden strike of inspiration, leading through different light sources and shadow to explore space using the quality of light:

20080907.10D.50595 (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)

20080907.10D.50620 (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)

20080907.10D.50623 (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)

20080907.10D.50625 (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)

20080907.10D.50632 (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)

20080907.10D.50633 (by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML)


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